是誰決定一個人的價值, 生活?
你的父母, 同事還是你自己?
這本書一開始覺得還算是有趣, 但是還不太能夠吸引我想寫心得.
直到第22章開始, 我覺得故事進入比較高潮迭起.
律師, 管家?
Samantha 找到了她喜歡的生活, 也拒絕再當一位時薪500英鎊的律師, 很多人都認為實在是匪夷所思, 就因這樣, 當大家開始質疑她的決定, 她也跟著開始動搖了!
最後跟男朋友有了一場不愉快的爭吵, 她還是決定回去當律師, 但是一連串的事情, 例如: 她又要開始過了6分鐘一單位的生活, 開始過著空中飛人的生活, 開始過著工作七天, 一天24小時的非人生活. 她不僅懷疑這真的是她所想要的嗎?
最有趣的就是Samantha開始注意起生活週遭有趣的事物, 而她的律師同事們卻依然注意著手上的黑莓機, 或者是法律文件. 她才明暸那已經不再是她想要過的生活, 就算她曾經付出七年的時間在這方面, 但那不是真正在乎的生活了!
後面幾章比較有點fu, 我原本以為這一本應該也是沒啥感覺的一本書, 反正就是有趣,然後會像上一本一樣, 沒能寫出幾個字的想法. 卻在最後四章才發現我真的有感覺了!
不禁會開始想目前的生活真的是我所想要的嗎? 我的父母, 同事, 手足有沒有影響到我呢? 台灣人普遍都很容易受到他人的影響而去改變自己的想法, 在看這本書, 有點諷刺.
最後引用作者Sophie Kinsella文中page 380所寫, Nathianel 母親最後送給Samantha的最後幾句話:
"Sweetie... I am sure you're doing what's best for you. But just remember, you only get your youth once. You only get these precious years once."
凡廣告文, 必刪!
留言者, 也請留下大名.
- Jul 29 Tue 2008 00:16
書籍: The Undomestic Goddess<完成>
After reading the book, ‘The Undomestic Goddess’ , I have a sudden thought in my mind. Who can decide what you want and what lifestyle you want to live?
The beginning of the book is sort of familiar because it described the life in modern city. Busy, busy and always busy like the people who live around you. Always pays attention on mobile phones and wonders what to do next. Six minutes is a unit for Samantha as a busy lawyer in London. She has to do plenty of things in six minutes, such as skim legal documents or type a legal contracts etc. She has decided to be a successful lawyer since she was 12 years old and therefore she has been working 7-24-7. She was almost successful until she found she made an elementary level mistake. She left her legal firm and found an unexpected job out of London as a full-time housekeeper. Huge jump, isn’t it? The initial stage of being a housekeeper was a total disaster. She didn’t know how to use vacuum cleaner, washing machine, cooking so that she almost destroyed apparatus in the kitchen. The gardener, Nathaniel, offered his great help to Samantha to get used to being a housekeeper.
One day, Samantha found the mistake she made in the legal firm was set by her trusted friend. She disguised herself into the firm and tried to find any clues which could clear her name. She failed so that she turned to ask help from her frightened superior. Then came by a series of troubles, media came to her village and tried to find the truth why she rather be a housewife than being a lawyer. Therefore she could not keep her life as usual. Her friend, Guy, persuaded her back to London as a 500 pound lawyer. At the beginning she refused to be a lawyer again. But people around her treated her not as usual and they could not imagine why she left so well-paid opportunity and courage her back to London and as a great lawyer except Nathaniel. Samantha doubts her decision and then she ask help from her boyfriend. However, they had a row and then she decided to be a lawyer again. The funniest part to me is that Samantha wants to keep her country side pace as usual but her colleagues could not let her do that because they have already arranged piles of legal meeting around the world. She found herself could not be ex-Samantha again. The conflicts of the last 4 chapters are my favorite and they really described funny and sad sides of being a lawyer.
The book is a great try and I think it is much better than the last one I read ‘Can You Keep A Secret?’