凡廣告文, 必刪! 留言者, 也請留下大名.

目前分類:2008 留學記錄 (104)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要
最近開始準備寫功課, 前前後後加起來超過20000字, 每一份平均是5000上下, 這就是念文學院的下場! 

為了寫功課, 才開始後悔過去幾年根本不去碰學術性文章的下場就是, 要如何寫的 "academic" ?

Kay 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

(今天早上八點忽然聽到窗外, 呼嘯一聲,馬上抬頭往外看. 下雪了! 但是我馬上不太爽, 拜託, 我九點要去看牙醫, 冷死我咧!)
上次去Dental Hospital 看牙醫, 眼睛吃了不少冰淇淋, 但是由於這次不是去Dental Hospital, 而是去NCU的附屬醫院的牙科看牙齒, 所以嘿嘿, 沒帥哥了! 

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英國時在士沒啥青菜, 所以怎麼煮都是那幾樣

最常見的青菜之一就是--大白菜, 就是那種拿來做"韓式泡菜"的大白菜

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Forged document students expelled 

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轉眼間, 上課也快要兩個月了, 也該是準備寫4500-5500字的功課的時候了! 

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我的媽咧! 這大概是有史以來, 我先寫文章, 再來想"標題"! 因為, 我下不出來. 所以乾脆用英文啦!

先來看一支廣告, Nike所拍攝: Chamber of Fear

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再次感謝Youtube, 意外讓我發現好聽的音樂!!! 

Detektivbyrån , 這是來自瑞典的打擊樂, 超耐聽. 

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覺得這張看起來很文雅, 事實上, 我是一個常把 "靠"這個字掛在嘴巴上的女人! 

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靠, 今天風超大, 大到我這麼有份量的女生, 都不敵這邊的風勢! 逆風中行進, 靠! 真是辛苦! 

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從圖書館返回LT路上, 利用手機拍攝, 畫質差很多! 但還是可以看到紅色的樹葉啊!

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先不要往下看! 問個問題, 想到伊朗, 大家會想那種顏色?

黃色, 土黃色, 沙漠的顏色!

Kay 發表在 痞客邦 留言(4) 人氣()

Besides INTO free writing classes, post-graduate students in Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences also receive free graduate skills enhancement program. The goal of the program is that to help students who are new in UK and whose first language is not English. The program includes academic writing, computer skills whereas one short-coming is that the class last only one hour.

The program is really great but the teaching material and contents are quite similar to INTO. There are not too many practical skills helping on academic writing. The lecturer only gave students writing skills introduction paper and how to avoid the mistakes that students might often make. The knowledge for all the students at the scene all knew it well when they had learnt in university and thus the feedback to teachers was quite little. During the class, I only learned one thing and that was the more academic books, journal or articles I read, the more formal words I might find from the materials.

Kay 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

大概介紹一下, 我們這一群女人吧! 

四個女人, 四個不同的國家

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