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目前分類:2008 留學記錄 (104)

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M是我來Newcastle第一個認識的國際學生, 非常友善, 很熱心助人! 


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<多采多姿的飯, 這飯是來自杜拜Sadaf的精心傑作! 融合了翻紅花, 辣椒,洋蔥, 一種莓果, salt.  好吃嗎? 我覺得有點酸, 有點辣, 說不出那種怪異感! >

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How much trash can you make in one day? Well, let’s count it more specific, how much trash you could make in 8 hours?

I was shocked when I came back from York because the trash can in the kitchen we used was full. I remembered the trash can had plenty of space on Saturday morning but after 8 hours it full with the un-recycle trash in. My friend, Joanna, was quite shocked because we could understand how people could make the trash so quickly. We noticed there were several coca-cola empty bottles in it and I knew the friends here they never drank the drinking. 

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The five days long introduction week had finished by a fantastic city tour by local guide. Looking back the five days, my head filled of a lot of information which is related to linguistics and TESOL. I have borrowed some books from library and started reading them. Otherwise, I would feel panic when I start the study.

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Kitchen is the best place for me to relax because I can meet all my neighbors and share the happenings today. I also could get help overthere. Howover, the happiness do not last long because there were too many Chinese in LT and some of them really love to take their boyfriend to the kitchen and eat there. 

It's really unpleasent for me and other girls. We could not speak very freely and shared jokes or when we had dinner together, suddenly, a Chinese guy came in and took some items and left without some greeting words. It's really rude and impolite. 

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I had a busy Sunday because I went to Sunday Market along the river side. From the LT to river side may take 30 minutes walk. Sunday Market was really okay to me because I went to Durham Market yesterday and then I found    there were several stands in Newcastle which I have seen yesterday in Durham. 

Maybe I came there too early, so all the stands did not really well prepare but I did not have enough time to hang around. I walked another way back to LT and it only  took me 20 minutes. I had to attent 11:30 TESCO shopping which was held by LT. There were only 50 quotas for students so I have to be there on time. 

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I would like to appreciate many people who helped me a lot in past three weeks. Without them, my journey could not have finished so smoothly. It’s my second time to Newcastle, just like last time I carried my luggage to Mr. Lin’s house. It rained again. What a lovely day, isn’t it?

The bus arrived  the Newcastle Central Station at 1: 30 pm, and it was earlier than I expected. Therefore, I had to change the location where I made a date with a never met friend. I tried to walk to the busiest street in the city center to meet the friend whom we only chatted on line. With her great help, I found the LT where I am going to live for more than one year. The first obstacle I encountered was that I forgot to print the accommodation paper  the manger of LT could not let me in at once. She took my passport and the receipt I had already paid via internet months ago. Luckily, I got the permission to get into LT. My room is on the second floor. Yet, I have to pass plenty of doors to get there. LT is really nice because they arrange a helper to help me get used to it.  He explained everything about LT and he also answered the questions I mentioned. He was a good model for me to practice listening comprehesion as well. God. He spoke with strong accent that I could not fully understand.

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<看到陽光的感覺真好! 這張相片拍完之後兩小時就傾盆大雨!>

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