How much trash can you make in one day? Well, let’s count it more specific, how much trash you could make in 8 hours?
I was shocked when I came back from York because the trash can in the kitchen we used was full. I remembered the trash can had plenty of space on Saturday morning but after 8 hours it full with the un-recycle trash in. My friend, Joanna, was quite shocked because we could understand how people could make the trash so quickly. We noticed there were several coca-cola empty bottles in it and I knew the friends here they never drank the drinking.
Because of the trash can, nobody really enjoyed cooking on Sunday and thus we ate bread or cook very light meal for all of us. We tried not to make too much trash or some people took the trash back to their room. Eating next to the full trash can is really unpleasant.
Besides the trash can, somebody cooked on the cooker and cause a lot of stain on it. It’s really hard to clean because I tried to use my green sponge cleaning several times but all failed. Therefore, I told my friends we must have expected to be fined by the stain even though we all have not made. But it belongs to the area we used; we all have to take the responsibility. Some people were annoyed because of this, but what we could do with it. Nobody saw who did it. I knew some people are great cook and some don’t. People without sense of cleaning, I only could say I have to prepare 20 pounds for the fine.
有沒有人算過, 自己一天可以製造多少垃圾?
打從我搬進來到現在,已經超過10天, 但是我尚未去倒過垃圾, 因為很空! 連紙類的垃圾袋都空的很!
可是我有時候就不得不佩服有人太會製造垃圾, 禮拜六早上出門時, 桶子還空的很, 至少超過一半是空的! 但是晚上回來時, 我朋友跟我傻眼, 因為爆滿, 塞都塞不進去! 只好自己將垃圾帶回去房間丟!
桶子內有好幾罐兩公升的碳酸飲料桶. 光它就占了不少空間. 我們這群根本不可能喝它, 至於誰喝它?! 我跟我朋友交換"我知道了!"的眼神, 這一區誰喝這種飲料大家都知道!
除了垃圾桶之外, cooker也是個問題! 有人白目製造了不少汙漬在上頭, 我拿著菜瓜布去清裡幾次都沒有用, 現在我只能跟我朋友們說, 要有心理準備, 要被罰錢! 有人很不爽, 因為她們煮飯從不製造任何麻煩, 怎麼就是有人白目又不清裡, 就像是以為清洗完鍋子就以為沒事, 事實上還得放回去才算完工! 反正我已經準備好20鎊了!
凡廣告文, 必刪!
留言者, 也請留下大名.
- Sep 29 Mon 2008 16:12