
York Minister is really famous. I won’t question it but does it worth me to spend 13.5 pounds to enjoy a Cathedral? I doubt it so I decided not to visit it. Although, I knew it is really fantastic and beautiful but I refused to pay so much money on a Cathedral. My two Portugal friends also thought the price was really incredible. They told me in Portugal there is only one Cathedral need to pay but the admission fee is really cheap. The others do not need to pay because they think ask people to pay for entering the church or cathedral is really ridiculous.
Besides the amazing cathedral, there are many lovely shops in York. However, I am not really interested in them because we have most of them in Newcastle. The biggest difference is the shops here look quite lovely. Due to weekend, people filled with every street and it looked very crowded.
After we circulated the city center once, my friends went to York Dungeon to enjoy the exciting torture but I was not interested in seeing that kind of exciting process so I told them to enjoy their journey. I walked to the market and enjoy the long array of various stands. I have encountered the first time discriminated event, there was a old lady murmured behind me in low voice with something that I did really understand and she even stared at me with furious eyes. I decided to forgive the poor and pity short woman. She must have problem with her heart and brain. Ignoring her, I kept my path to enjoyed those beautiful stands and I found Betty’s Tea house has queued with a lot of people. The menu shown 14.95 pounds for afternoon tea, wow, it’s more expensive than cathedral.
One hour later, my friends and I met again and I told the information I found about afternoon tea. The price really surprised them.
Without entering York Minister, Betty’s Tea House, we decided to enjoy small churches and comforted us with very light afternoon tea in an unknown café. I order a pot of tea, and a fruit scone with butter. It only cost me 2.42 pounds and they tasted good. Otherwise, I found the bakery café we went full of a lot of locals instead of tourists and the atmosphere was quite relax.
On the way back, we met an Italian guy who was on his business trip in UK. At the beginning, we did not talk because my friends chatted in their native language and I read my book. Until my friends said something really funny and the guy may understand some Portugal he could not help himself laughing. My male Portugal friend and he started to talk about coffee, cars, and football. Oh my god, the talk couldn’t stop because of football and coffee. I realized Italian and Portugal men are really concern about coffee. In their opinion, British and American do not really understand coffee. Before we arrived in Newcastle, the guy treated us his favorite things to us, Chocolate whereas the sweets I hated but I had one piece. Unfortunately, I did not take any photo of him.
我對於約克期望太高, 以致於覺得它真的是還好! 我覺得只能怪我曾經去過太美的東法跟南德, 導致於我每次看到某些建築都會不禁拿這兩個國家來相比!
加上教堂太貴, 讓我非常之不愉快, 我知道要維持一個教堂需要錢,但是這不包括像是層層剝削! 一個教堂還分三次刮, 頂樓, 地下事跟平面啊! 拜訪過那麼多教堂就屬這個最貴咧! 比愛丁堡城堡還貴咧!
到底要不要吃下午茶? 我覺得看個人, 論茶! 很難拼著過台灣茶葉的品質, 論三明治, 我得說UK的三明治還頗鹹, 但是Scone這東西, 我真得是還挺愛, 尤其是熱熱裹上果醬跟奶醬配上奶茶, 我只能說:"絕品"! M&S有賣scone, 其實我覺的品質很不賴, 有時候跟朋友相約煮上一壺茶配上Jam with Donuts 跟Scone, 就很美好了! 去Bettys時, 發現坐在裡頭還真多亞洲人咧, 可見名氣真的飾很大!

很久沒看到這種西式划船! 不知道冬山河還有沒?

碩果僅存的城堡, 小小一顆, 要價3英鎊! 錢被我拿去吃那一頓2.42有找的下午茶了!

在友人的建議下, 我們去逛了維京博物館! 學生票事7英鎊, 感想就是: OKAY啦! 如果真的很愛維京文化, 可以來! 但是對我來說這簡直是很不怎樣, 因為票太貴, 唯一吸引我的是坐的懸空的纜車欣賞維京時代的假人生活! 不過博物館有賣一張超有趣的postcard, 我沒有買, 但是我的朋友有買, 很推這張明信片, 整人用的!
