禮拜五對英國人來說是大日子, 意味著 "解放"! 一堆人在下午時刻就已經開始聚集準備狂歡了! 我還很豬頭問了路人為何前面的傳統房子聚集一堆人, 結果我完全忘記今天是禮拜五, 大家已經開始 "乎乾啦! " 連我去TESCO準備我周末出去玩的食物時發現, 年輕的帥哥們都是一手一手的啤酒彷彿不用錢似的猛拿! 甚至還有位一位灰髮時髦女更是兩瓶龍舌蘭酒直接買了就走. 周一到周四很少在路上發現醉漢, 想不到不到六點就已經看到好幾位了!
今天的TO DO LIST, 是想去買一個保溫杯, 結果找了老半天, 找不到, Starbucks像是搶劫, 一個不銹鋼要價14.99英鎊, 我就很想拍桌子! 這是那門子的 FAIR TRADE ! 這簡直是剝削.
所以杯子沒買到, 只帶了兩天份的午餐回HOST FAMILY. 因為這周末安排了兩個景點去晃晃.
下午的時候, 去逛了曼徹斯特大學的附設博物館, 真得是很不錯! 館藏已經算是很不錯. 可惜我去的時間太晚了! 只能讓我自己逛一小時, 下禮拜再利用一天好好的去看一下館藏. 這館不收錢, 採自由樂捐.
Friday is a really big day for British people because it means free from their jobs. Everybody just want to have fun and smashes themselves and has a hangover on weekend. After the first week classes, I decided to hang around Manchester city. I jumped on the bus and started to search nice churches to take photos. However, some of them are locked. However, there is still a beautiful one around Manchester University so I took my tripod to that church. The outfit of the church is really good but the interior I think it’s really common and I was not really impressed by its internal designing. Although, I only took several photos but I found there are a few buildings looks great along the same street where the church located.
Manchester Museum is a really great and marvelous place to children, teens and adults to visit because it has varies of collections. I was really surprised by its Egyptians’ mummies. There are more than six coffins and visitors could see those mummies in a very short distance. There is also a special exhibition which is held until 19, April, 2009. It’s about Lindow Man which was found in Manchester and the bog man is around 2000 years old. The staff of the museum sincere recommended me to take a close look about the exhibition even though the man is really small and curved into strange position.
Manchester is a city with a lot of red buildings so that it is worth for people to take a walk in downtown and enjoy those historic baroque buildings.
Ps: I still can’t stand people smoke everywhere.
曼大, 博物館就在裡頭了! 念曼大還真不賴, 校園挺美的!
來一張我最喜歡的德國小帥哥, 老弟他才17歲, 有點給他啃不下去! 跟他同一組還不賴, 超會搞笑.
我覺得我好像快要中獎了! 因為天氣實在是難以控制, 頭昏咧! 讓我今天寫起東西顛三倒四!
我覺得我好像快要中獎了! 因為天氣實在是難以控制, 頭昏咧! 讓我今天寫起東西顛三倒四!