
<看到陽光的感覺真好! 這張相片拍完之後兩小時就傾盆大雨!>

I have been in Manchester for one week. The thing that I am desperately missing is SUNSHINE. I have never ever missed it until now I am in the UK. In Taiwan, I always think about how to avoid sunshine because it will make my skin get darker and therefore I always put lot of anit-UV lotion to protect myself. In the UK, you don’t need those anti-UV items because it is always raining all the time even though when it is sunny in the morning, but it might be raining the next hour.
Because of rain, I think I might have homesick even I hate Mr. Horse but I still miss everything in Taiwan. Food, weather, people. Everybody knows British food is really notorious in the world, and the weather is really made people depressed. When it comes to people, well, they just seem don’t like to smile. But if you have problems, they would like to help the stranger just like me. Living in the zone, I need to take two buses to school, when I get on the bus and I found people just sit there without any facial expression. They look like puppets and they start their same life as usual. Kind of boring. No wonder they are always longing for Friday’s coming so that they can release all the pressure they suffer from weekdays. On weekends, drunken people are everywhere and I always think I might someday see a guy who is too drunk and then start running without clothing.
來到曼城也已經一個禮拜! 最讓我超級無敵想念就是之前在台灣避之唯恐不及的東西---陽光! 這裡下雨下的會讓人想抓狂, 有時候都會想自己身上會不會發霉!? 根據老師的說法大概過幾天, 白天的日照時間開始大幅度的減少, 我的媽呀! 下雨已經夠讓人沮喪, 想不到再過幾天要開始陽光都要開始罷工, 難怪這裡的憂鬱症的人不少, 也難怪講話的時候總是尖酸刻薄損一下, 不然搭配這樣的天氣, 人想不瘋都不行!
英國人好看嗎? 我覺得男人們長的都是那樣子, 不是每個都像貝克漢, 那種人太少咧! 老覺得英國的男人都有一定程度的相似, 連頭殼似乎都是同一家工廠製作, 尤其是那些男人頂著三分頭。至於女人, 我是覺得有一點很有趣, 幾乎都是臉小小, 卻搭配上有點龐大的身軀, 相較之下, 我還真的絕的法國女性比例很不賴! 太久沒去倫敦, 也忘記倫敦那邊的服裝了, 拿曼城這裡來看, 我覺得這裡的人似乎對於穿著沒有自己的風格, 來一禮拜, 每天亂晃都還沒碰到讓可以產生 “哇! 他可懂得穿著啊! ” 反倒是四十歲左右的男性對於西裝真的是有自己的味道, 從領帶到鞋子都搭配得很棒, 倒是女士們的穿著, 真的是讓我不敢恭維, 這樣會讓我不得不佩服日本女性對於服裝的品味啊!
最近放學後就直接回家, 覺得曼城是很無聊的地方! 不愛喝兩杯, 有時乾脆搭公車回家隨手亂拍了!

經過曼城大學! 台灣享有名氣啊!


曼城有很多公車系統, 買票的時後務必要買對! 我通常是搭101,104。105, 109回家!
有點機車, 99明明就是另一家的系統, 結果在同一站牌上, 我果然發生搭錯火車之後, 又發生買錯車票事件, 但是司機很好心讓我退票, 還不收我白搭那一段的車資! 感謝他!

離開市中心之後, 景色呈現荒涼啊!

看到這樣的天氣, 真不知道說啥! 一半藍天, 一半是烏雲! 

英國的辦喪禮的店家! 招牌是黑色的!

距離市中心外頭的另一區, 算是曼城郊區嗎?
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