
The residents in LT were required to attend 30 minutes briefing session which was designed by Northumbria Police and Tyne and Wear Fire Brigade yesterday. The first regulation is no cigarette smoking in this building.

However, sometimes you would see someone without brain to keep in mind. After shopping in M&S, I took all bags back to LT and opened the last door, suddenly, I smelled cigarette and it really stunned because all the residents are prohibited to smoke inside. I knocked the closest door to ask. She told she sometimes smelled smoke but she is not sure who smoked. The resident of the last room came out and said an hour ago there were few people gathered in the TV lounge. We all rushed to the lounge and opened the door. The unpleasant smell fluttered on my face. I was so angry because there was a fire accident happened in LT last year.

As the result, I reported to Reception about the event because the lounge is really close to my room. I don’t really want to flee when there is a fire alarm in LT. I used to have an experience when I lived in Taipei and it was really scary. The reception was really angry because we just had the session yesterday. When my friend came back, she said maybe without CCTV inside the LT causes those people think it will be okay to smoke without being caught.

真的是覺得有人鐵定是文盲或者是耳聾, 昨天才上完LT 跟Nothumbria消防局跟警察局合作的講習! 所有的學生都必須得出席。Rule No 1, 不准在宿舍內抽菸.

偏偏有人就白目到極點! 因為下午我去M&S採購回到LT, 準備要推開最後一道門時, 就聞到濃濃的煙味, 我馬上敲了427, 因為明顯裡頭有人嘻鬧聲, 們一打開是一群女生, 嫌疑馬上刷清, 結果住最後一間的女孩子馬上探出頭說: 剛剛有人在lounge嬉鬧, 我們一群人馬上衝去TV lounge, 門一開, 我們馬上聞到濃濃的煙味啊! 根據對面同學表示, 她在房間有聽到中英文夾雜的講話聲, 我哩咧! 真想罵人!

非常之不爽! 馬上去reception申訴, 靠! 去年LT才發生意外, 我可不希望今年又來一次, 那會非常的麻煩咧! 因為修繕的費用是學生出, 偏偏那個lounge離我住的地方只有幾公尺, 那我不就成了冤大頭 !

今天去一家靠近學校的香港超市買了一瓶小醬油跟薑, 因為我在M&S買到99p的六隻雞腿咧! 打算要來滷雞腿了!
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