I had a busy Sunday because I went to Sunday Market along the river side. From the LT to river side may take 30 minutes walk. Sunday Market was really okay to me because I went to Durham Market yesterday and then I found there were several stands in Newcastle which I have seen yesterday in Durham.
Maybe I came there too early, so all the stands did not really well prepare but I did not have enough time to hang around. I walked another way back to LT and it only took me 20 minutes. I had to attent 11:30 TESCO shopping which was held by LT. There were only 50 quotas for students so I have to be there on time.
Tesco in Kingston was really big but I found things there were not really cheap. Although, TESCO did not make the lowest price to customers but I still bought some food and items. I found myself was really good at comparing price. With the calculators, I compared cornflakes with grams. My neighbors could not believe their eyes when they saw me mesured price by gram.
I signed. Because living in UK is really expensive, that's why I buy everything here, I will carry my calculators with me.
Back to LT, I had to rush to my teacher's house again because I really needed a heater. Due to big room of LT, I found the heater in my room was not warm enough. Thanks God. The heater I got was free use. I also had a great dinner because my teacher is a great cook. I had a big bowl of beef noodles there. When I had the noodles, I almost cried. That's it. I always fancy the smell of the traditional flavor.
今天搭地鐵, 終於見識到什麼叫做沒禮貌的青少年, 在車廂中大聲叫囂跟製造噪音! 有位老先生真得是受不了, 出聲制止那兩位無禮的女生!
今天METRO搭錯方向, 應該是要順時針去Benton, 結果我白目搭到逆時針方向! 買了zone 2的票, 結果硬是坐到zone 3, 還真得是有夠值回票價了!
老師的女兒真得是有夠活潑, 今天很多照片簡直是{扮鬼臉} 大賽! 不過, 看到她的臉, 可以理解為何她的外號叫作"小甜蜜", 因為她真得是太可愛了! 今天帶去的甜點跟糖果, 她愛死了!
凡廣告文, 必刪!
留言者, 也請留下大名.
- Sep 22 Mon 2008 06:30