我要很偷懶公告各位, 我目前再調整時差, 所以各位留言, 小妹我通通看過, 但是原諒我的懶散, 我一並在這裡謝謝各位的留言.

相片我會再禮拜六早上趕快整理好, 可惜我想那是各大麻煩, 因為兩台數位相機, 拍了至少有9000張相片, 我想我會發瘋的.

也謝謝各位的支持與愛護, 這次的28887.28888.28889的獎品, 我已經準備好, 不是很名貴,但是代表我的小心意.

獎品會一並明天公佈.LOVE  YOU ALL (2006. 9.20 10PM at home)

When you read the article, it means i am on my way home.

i really miss the food in taiwan. i ate too much butter and bread.

right now, i really want to eat some rice and hot soup.

see you soon. (2006.09.20. 7am, Singapore airport )

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