凡廣告文, 必刪! 留言者, 也請留下大名.
Loving Indian music is literally coincident chance because I read a novel about a girl play Sitar to release people’s pressure. Therefore, I try to find some information about Sitar, and the result is I fall in love with Sitar. Because of SitarI fall in love with Indian music. Why I love Indian music? Mysterious and relaxing and cadenced are the main reasons. 

I haven’t got any chance to visit India or Nepal, though; I heard people talked about the two countries very often. India has huge populations and it’s the second largest countries with 900 millions populations; the first one is China. Because it has so huge number of people, the culture is really diversified. I only experienced their music when I had Indian food. Through the music to imagine what the country looks like. People dance with the mysterious music and colorful clothes.

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To Dear ALL:
The message that you want to leave is totally fulled.
I am sorry about that. 

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先來點題外話:我最近有些懶,懶唸書,懶聽BBC,懶讓我覺得我的生活非常有趣,因為有空去看別人家的網誌,順便留留言,有空看看小說,絲毫忘記我明年的一月要考試,不過,放心,我每天規定自己每天要念一篇CNN,一篇Newsweek, 每天一課劍橋的IELTS的跟習作,我還是有進行。只是那種衝勁,少了些!我果真是獅子座,衝過了就沒有了!誰來給我一顆金頂電磁,讓我跟那隻兔子一樣。

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好久沒有全家一起出遊, 說到全家, 其實還是少掉一隻, 遠在台北的弟弟, 我知道你會很想跟, 但是路途遙遠, 加上又要另外接送, 你還是乖乖在台北修你的北大武山相片吧!

這次的出遊, 我一則以喜, 一則以憂. 因為喜的是, 吃了很多東西, 憂的是我的生日禮物, OLYMPUS的八百萬像素數位相機, 在二坪的大關冰場跟我這個主人說掰掰了! 因為我摔到到了, 心中有萬分不捨啊! 因為前年日本之旅, 他拍攝很多媽媽美美的相片, 去年去歐洲時, 他更是身負重責大任, 今年的日本之旅, 重出江湖的繼續工作, 想不到他就這樣在我眼前, 這樣的摔了~

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